Ganzheitlich orientierte Mikrochip
Ganzheitlich orientierte Mikrochip


Chip small

Specifically for sleeping area

(ca. 20 sqm), also for car and business trip (hotel).

with clay plate
Chip medium

Specifically for apartments

(also suitable for protection of stables and animals; ca. 130sqm)

with clay plate

Electrosmog/ Erthradiation
Designed for 1-2 family houses

(2-3 storeys, up to 300 sqm)

with clay plate
Humans are electro-magnetic beings. The fine balanced body-system is often impaired by electro-magnetic influences or earth radiation. Doctors have been warning of serious harm due to E-smog- ( see Freiburger Appell.)

There are practically no places free of low- or high-frequency virulent radiation left, e.g. mobile phones, transmitters, radio and TV, power poles, PCs, wireless phones, satellite transmissions etc.

Electrosmog is ever-present and leads to discomfort- unexplainable headaches, tiredness, nausea, signs of stress, heart/cardiovascular problems are connected. Even serious health problems are caused by exposure to radiation.
Moreover geopathic encumbrance (earth radiation) can cause a disharmony of the bio-energetic household, co-raised by so called geopathic interference zones, i.e. crossings of water veins, earth dislocations and rock particles like radium. When we live or sleep on such interference zones it can deeply affect our biological system, which may manifest in sleeping problems, restlessness, increased nervousness or concentration deficits. Even infertility could be a result.
Utilize the unique combined power Geo Syn® Chips Electrosmog/Earth Radiation which have been especially designed to protect you and your environment from these environmental radiations, so that you can lead a more self-determined life.

Through the Geo Syn® Chip a positive energy and power field in your home is created. It protects, neutralizes and harmonizes the energy bodies within; man, animal and plant. Interfering energy fields, E-smog, earth radiation resp. geopathic influences are being diverted and neutralized (principle of polarity).
To work holistically the Geo Syn® Chip additionally have been informed/programmed to influence all energy centers which are connected with our organs in a balancing, harmonizing and invigorating way. First and foremost the heart center of people – according to the teaching of chakras the heart chakra plays a main role in the mental and physical well-being..

That is how you can utilize the helping effect of the Geo Syn® Chip

Electrosmog/Earth Radiation:


Place your Geo Syn® Chip directly under your bed. In the car under the floor mat. Golden side of Geo Syn® facing up.

(please don’t place furniture directly on the microchip)

Material: 925 Fine silver (with stamp); absolute free of nickel!

990 galvanic Fine gold coating

Chip size: 1,5 cm x 1,5 cm



Per home or building one Geo Syn® Chip Elektrosmog/ Earth Radiation should be placed. The chip was programmed to that effect that it automatically adapts to your living space!

Place your Geo Syn® Chip central on the ground floor of your building, office, kindergarten etc. best under a rug or under a cupboard/commode on the floor.

Golden side of Geo Syn® facing up.

(please don’t place furniture directly on the chip).


Place your Geo Syn® Chip right in the center of your stable.

Golden side of Geo Syn® facing up.

Material: 925- Fine silver (with stamp); free of nickel!
990- galvanic Fine gold coating

Chip size: 4,5 cm x 4,5 cm


1-2 family houses
Per home or building one Geo Syn® Chip Elektrosmog/ Earth Radiation should be placed. The chip was programmed to that effect that it automatically adapts to your living space!
Place your Geo Syn® Chip central on the ground floor of your building, office, kindergarten etc. best under a rug or under a cupboard/commode on the floor.
Golden side of Geo Syn® facing up.

(please don’t place furniture directly on the chip).

Material: 925- Fine silver (with stamp); free of nickel!
990- galvanic fine gold coating

Chip size: 4,5 cm x 4,5 cm

Radiation protection for stable and animals:

Furthermore the Geo Syn® Chip medium can be additionally utilized as radiation protection for barns, so that your animals, horses, cows, pigs etc. are protected from earth radiation and E-smog.
Some farmers and owners wonder why for example cows give less milk in some spaces then they do in others…most likely they stood on a place with geopathic interferences (earth radiation, water veins etc.)

Horses too showed a sensitivity concerning this matter e.g. behavioural changes. Some animals react delicately to geopathic interference zones in a way that offspring is no longer a given or impaired fertility.

Already in earlier days farmers acknowledged the importance of a ‘good stable’ and place of living where man and animal stayed healthy and which was a place of prosperous energy. Therefore they fetched divining rod practitioners who would search for geopathic interference zones such as earth radiation or water veins etc. and assigned suitable areas where farmer and animal could live free of interferences before building the stable.

Aufgrund der Größe des Geo Syn® Chip klein E-Smog besteht bei Kindern und Tieren die Gefahr, dass der Chip verschluckt werden könnte. Deshalb bitte außerhalb der Reichweite von Kindern und Tieren platzieren.


Due to the size of the Geo Syn® Chip E-Smog exists the danger of swallowing by children or animals. Please keep out of reach of children and animals.

Expert report/tests with certified medical diagnostic machine Biopulsar Reflexograph (Auramed) show that our Geo Syn® Products unfolds a strong effect in the ethereal zone. (for expert report see link at bottom of page).

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Claudia Fatteicher